For this task, I took inspiration from artist Tom Sachs, whose studio follows a set of rules created by Sachs, known as the '10 Bullets'. Bullet 8 outlines a method of organisation where all items should be arranged in parallel or at 90-degree angles. This ensures that everything can be seen and accounted for easily. Creator Casey Neistat helped to popularise this method, using it throughout his well-known studio in New York.
For my photo, I included all of my equipment which helps me be creative. Since the equipment had a consistent black colour scheme, I decided to opt for a white background to add contrast and to keep the photo minimalistic and simple. To create a white background big enough for all of the equipment, I used a bedsheet. Since I had no access to studio lighting, I took the photo directly under the room light. On my first attempt, this created too much harsh light which reflected on some of the equipment too much. I decided to use a white T-shirt to soften the light, which gave a better result.

When it came to editing the photo, there wasn't much that needed to be changed. I started with a preset, then adjusted the whites and blacks until i was happy. I cropped the image so the equipment filled the frame.